To ensure that accents and capitalizations appear correctly on Stores, the appropriate language must be set in the metadata.

  • Nonstandard Capitalization. Titles must not be in all capitals, all lower case, or random casing. 




    Title is all upper case.

    the downward spiral

    Title is all lower case.

    a TIMe to lOVE

    Title has random capitalization.

  • Abbreviation of Part and Volume. The words Part and Volume must be abbreviated with “Pt.” and “Vol.” Titles should be formatted as “Title, Vol. x” and “Title, Pt. x,” where x is a number.

    Album Title

    Dead Presidents, Vol. 1

    Track Title

    The Payback, Pt. 1

  • English Title Casing. English titles must be in title case format and follow the casing conventions as outlined in Appendix 2: Title Case. In addition, for English, words before and after a dash (-), slash (/), or colon (:) must be capitalized.

    Title casing is not required for content sold in Japan, as long as these titles are localized in Japanese.